Veterans Day is about honoring the sacrifice of all men and women who proudly served in our armed forces. It’s a day for remembering that freedom isn’t free. It’s a day to remember the men and women who worked and fought to defend those freedoms. It’s a day to honor a tradition of service that ensures all Americans enjoy the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
On this Veterans Day, Homes for Heroes would like to extend our deepest thanks to every veteran member of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, Space Force, National Guard and Reserves. We are grateful for your sacrifices, and the sacrifices of your family members during your time served. Thank you for serving our country. It’s appreciated more than you know.
History of Veterans Day
Veterans Day is observed annually on November 11 as an adaptation of Armistice Day, the day WWI ended. The holiday was changed from Armistice Day to Veterans Day in 1954 to honor all veterans, not just those who served in WWI. The day is marked by events across the country, including your local:
Our Commitment to Military Service Members
Since 2009, Homes for Heroes has helped over 12,400 U.S. active military members, veterans, and their families buy or sell a home. Collectively, they saved over $20 million.
But it doesn’t stop there. Our Homes for Heroes Foundation looks for organizations that are helping veterans and gives them grants. Recently, the Foundation donated $10,000 to the Adopt a Vet Dental Program out of Nevada. Here’s their story from the organization’s executive director, Demi Gonzalez:
“We had a gentleman come in during COVID and, of course, everyone was wearing a mask. This gentleman told us, ‘I know all these other people don’t like masks, but for me, it’s the blessing of the year. You don’t have to see what my teeth look like and I can work anywhere.’ So this gentleman was the top salesman in Nevada for what he sold. But he went through some mental issues from his military service.
He lost his job. He just couldn’t take care of himself mentally. And his teeth just went really bad to the point where they just started falling out. He and his wife were in the same position. His wife also had some issues that she was dealing with. They would get drunk and take drugs to take their teeth out with pliers.
He described what that was like. He would go to the VA and they’d say, ‘we’ll give you antibiotics and some pain medicine, but we’re not going to see you. You just don’t meet the requirement.’ So he’s over there begging for treatment for the multiple infections in his mouth.
The business that he worked for put him in the back because they didn’t want him being seen by the customers. So he went from making a very above-medium-level living to very impoverished living because no one would hire him from his teeth and the way he looked. And he was broken down.
When he came to our program, we promised him, (no one believes us) you’re not going to pay us. We’re going to take care of you. It never fails. Every time we go into these sessions, everyone’s like, ‘Oh no, what’s the catch? There’s always something. We have got to pay something.’
In the end, they don’t. There’s zero that they pay. And so we fast forward to his treatment. When we got done with them, and we were able to get him his dentures and things like that, he cried uncontrollably. He could not, for the life of him, figure why somebody would pay for all of this when they were telling him at a local dental practice that it was going to be $30,000 to do the extractions, the recovery, and all that stuff.
Why would someone do it for free? And we always do post operative and post treatment interviews. He calls us very excited and he says, ‘Hey, remember that job where I told you I was in the back? I’m in the front now again, and I got a promotion and I’m moving to a different state where I got a very good paying job.’ He and his wife were able to sell that home and go. Now both his wife and he are doing a lot better.”
In their Words
Statements made from a few of the veterans who worked with our local real state and mortgage specialists to buy or sell a home, and their Homes for Heroes Experience:
“The whole team was so respectful, responsive, and always there when needed with any questions or concerns!” – Cole, Navy, bought a new home in Florida
“We didn’t know Homes for Heroes existed. Our VA loan lender was so knowledgeable about your program and the VA loan process. Who you work with matters! We were very fortunate to get connected with the best, most knowledgeable group of realty professionals.” – Allen, Army, bought a new home in Tennessee
“Extremely thankful for your organization and all that you do to support the heroes in our community. Our real estate agent was first class, providing superior guidance throughout the selling experience.” – Matthew, Marine Corps, sold his home in Minnesota
“It’s a program that all veterans should look and apply for. My real estate agent was the key. Keep doing what you do, Homes for Heroes. Thanks!” – Alvin, Army, bought a home in South Carolina.
“The Homes for Heroes program wasn’t something I was actively thinking about when buying, but it felt really nice finding out that I was going to be awarded a check at closing. I felt completely blown away at how much it was. Huge shout out to my real estate agent who I absolutely cannot imagine not working with!” – Joey, Air Force, bought a home in Maryland
“Between my loan officer and real estate agent, the process went really smoothly. They both answered any and all questions that I had. To say that communication was phenomenal would be an understatement. The thing that I loved most about Homes for Heroes is that they cut out the middleman. I highly recommend using this program!!” – Jesse, Army, bought a new home in North Dakota
“This program rocks. My real estate agent was amazing. As a first time home buyer, he provided all the information and assistance I needed” – Marc Navy, bought a new home in Iowa.
Thank You Veterans
At Homes for Heroes, Veterans Day is a big deal. Our veterans sacrificed a lot to serve our country, and we are dedicated to honoring and supporting those who served our country so valiantly.
To all veterans of our Armed Forces, we are eternally grateful for your service. This Veterans Day, we thank you for your service.
If you a veteran, active duty or reserve member looking to buy, sell or refinance a home? Register to find out how we can help you save significant money when you buy, sell or refinance a home or mortgage with us. It would be an honor to serve you, save you some money, and thank you for your service the best way we know how.
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