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Luke FeldbruggeSenior Content Marketing Specialist

Back in 2012 I was laid off. During this time I realized I was chasing the wrong things professionally, so I chose to only pursue work where I could positively impact the lives of others. No exceptions. Looking back it made sense. When I was 3, I wanted to be a fireman. When I was 17, I seriously considered serving in the Army (but I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes). My first declared college major was education and I wanted to be a teacher/coach. Serving others was clearly important to me, but how could I do it professionally? Enter Homes for Heroes.

I realized I will spend roughly 20-25% of my life working. It became important for me to feel like that time spent is having a positive impact not only in the success of my employer, but also in the lives of their customers. And at Homes for Heroes, my work is an every day opportunity to positively impact the lives of those who chose to serve the rest of us.