Kim RoarkREALTOR®, Texas Real Estate Executives, V.I.P. Group
My “why” journey began with a very special teacher, Mrs. Thornton, who in third grade gave me extra special attention even when it was apparent I wasn’t the teacher’s favorite. I liked to talk. a lot LOL. I say a journey because as I look back over life, there were many Heroes who impacted my life. I grew up in a small town with Sheppard AFB close by. Half of my class each year was 50% military. It’s no secret that this small town girl lived vicariously through their many adventures living all over the world. The second email I ever received from Homes for Heroes included a photo of a good looking fireman, hey, that caught my attention. My husband was an active firefighter and I was a “flame”. After 23 years on the department it is only natural that I would want to love on this Hero sector as well. Not many know it but I was a “want-a-be” Angie Dickinson. I really thought I would grow up to be a policewoman. That didn’t happen but it doesn’t lessen the love and admiration I have for these men and women in uniform. Lastly, my niece is a nurse, the first in our family. She is amazing and her love for others goes beyond anything I have every experienced. I now share that Homes for Heroes actually helped me to find the “heart” of my business. I can not imagine life or my business without Heroes. I am grateful, thankful and blessed to serve them all.