Emmy YoungHero Rewards Coordinator
My mom was in the healthcare field, and she gave her life in the line of duty. Inspired by her, a great deal of my adult life was dedicated to medicine. One thing I learned from my own experiences and from my family in military, education, first responders, and law enforcement- the ones that serve us rarely see themselves as heroes. Thinking back to my time in the hospital, I don’t remember feeling like a hero. I remember the exhaustion, the sadness for those suffering, and the fear that I would not be good enough, smart enough, or fast enough to help. When my life situation changed and I could no longer practice medicine, I still felt the drive to make the world around me a better place. My job as the Hero Reward Coordinator at Homes for Heroes allows me the privilege of thanking our heroes. In a small way, I hope to support their efforts and to brighten their day, if even for a moment.